Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak we are now running a weekly coffee morning and some NVS groups virtually, please see the events bar on the right hand side of this website and our weekly email for details.
We will keep the situation under review and communicate regularly with you.
Each Tuesday you are invited to join in a virtual ‘coffee morning’ for informal discussions and a warm Welcome to Cambridge. Whether you are here now, planning to come soon, or recently left we share experiences and support you as you build up a network, meet other members, ask for help or offer some advice.
Our official programme for Michaelmas Term will run from Tues 6 Oct – Fri 4 Dec 2023 but informal coffee mornings will continue to run throughout the summer.
To join NVS please register with us on this website.
Join our Facebook group for regular updates and news.
Please email nvs.enquiries@admin.cam.ac.uk if you have any questions.